(Revised ref SGM 24th July 2023)
- The name of the club shall be “Filey Golf Club”
- The objects of the Club shall be to promote the playing of Golf and to encourage social intercourse between all Members of the Golf Club. To supply refreshments and all things associated with the enjoyment of Golf. The Club shall be a non-profit making club with all surplus income being re-invested in the Club.
No surpluses or profits shall be distributed to Members or third parties.
- The Club shall consist of such numbers as the committee consider appropriate. The Committee may introduce new categories of membership, but each will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting.
The following restrictions shall apply to any additional category of membership: –
- Their number shall be limited to that considered beneficial to the Golf Club.
- Country members permanent place of residence must be outside a 30-mile radius of Filey.
- Country members be a full member of another golf club which is affiliated to a National Golf Union.
- Country members hold a current handicap certificate.
- The Rules of Competitions at Filey Golf Club will be set and controlled by Competitions MAP
The following restrictions shall apply to Suspended Members: –
- Suspension can only be granted after a written request to the Committee.
- The cost of suspension will be set from time to time by the Committee and shall be published alongside all other subscription rates.
- The fee for suspension will become due when the suspension is granted.
- Suspension will be considered by the Committee in accordance with the published guidelines.
- A suspended member will continue to enjoy the benefits of a Social Member but will not have access to any golfing facilities until the member becomes a Full Member.
- There shall be the following Officers of the Club, namely, a President, the Club Captain and the Vice-Captain.
The Vice-Captain for one year shall be the Captain for the following year, unless decided otherwise at the AGM or unforeseen circumstances. They should not hold any Chair unless agreed by the Committee and ratified at the next AGM.
The President shall serve for a maximum period of three years and shall not be eligible for re-election as President thereafter, although he / she may be elected at an AGM as a member of the Committee.
The President, Club Captain and the Vice-Captain shall be elected at the AGM and their terms of office commence on 1st January following the AGM.
- The Committee shall consist of the President, the Captain, the Vice Captain, the Lady Captain and up to six members elected at the AGM. Each elected member of the Committee shall be elected to a specific responsibility based on their experience / skills they can bring to the benefit of the Club, where a vacancy exists, as Chair of Committees, and Chairs of Members’ Advisory Panels addressing Greens, House, Finance, Competitions and Marketing. Each elected member may take only one specific role.
The role of the Committee is to manage the business of the Golf Club including scrutiny of the work of the individual Members of the Committee.
The role of individual Members of the Committee is to implement the proposals specified in the annual budget
Those proposals having previously agreed by the Committee following consultation with members of the respective Members Advisory Panel.
- No person shall be eligible for election as an Officer of the Club who is not a Full Member of the Club and any Officer of the Club who ceases to be a Full Member shall immediately vacate that office.
- a) Elected Members of the Committee shall serve for a maximum term of three years before requiring re-election; their term shall commence on 1st January following the AGM. Their term of office will terminate unless clause (b) below causes re-election to occur earlier.
- b) To allow continuity, one third of the Elected members of the Committee will retire at each AGM but shall be eligible for reelection. Where Elected members have served for the same length of time those to retire (unless they otherwise agree) the person who received the fewer votes when elected will retire. In the event of a tie the decision will be by lot.
- c) Should an Elected Member of the Committee be elected to become an Officer their position shall become vacant immediately and will form part of those due for election as referred to above.
- The Elected Members of the Committee of the Club shall be elected as follows.
A list of the retiring Elected Members of Committee and their respective roles and any other vacancies shall be posted and remain in the Club premises for fourteen days before the day of the AGM.
Each candidate for any vacancy must be proposed and seconded in writing by Full Members of the Club and the properly completed nomination form shall be handed in at the Office at least eight days before the day of the AGM.
The names of all validated candidates shall be posted and remain in the Club premises from seven days immediately prior to the day of the AGM
The elections of Elected Members of Committee shall take place at the AGM and shall be by paper ballot in the presence and under the direction of Scrutineers.
In the case of a tie between two or more of the Candidates, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
In the case where only one member shall be nominated for a particular vacancy then that member shall be elected unopposed.
A member may cast one vote for each vacancy.
Any ballot paper not conforming to this requirement will be null and void.
- The Secretary and such other officer or officers considered necessary to discharge such duties shall be appointed by the Committee.
- An Accountant shall be elected or re-elected at the AGM. That Accountant (or firm of accountants) being a member of a body forming the Central Council of Accounting Bodies.
- The Committee may from time to time fill any casual vacancy on the Committee or in any Office but any person so selected must offer themselves for election at the next AGM if they wish to continue in that role.
- Members of the Ladies, Seniors and Rabbits sections may each appoint a Committee of their own to make regulations for their respective section’s Competitions and to make recommendations to the Committee regarding any business concerning their section.
- (a) The meeting’s will be conducted in adherence with Filey Golf Clubs “Confidentiality Policy”
(b) At the first meeting of the Committee, following each AGM of the Golf Club, the members of Committee
shall elect a Vice-Chairman of the Committee.
(c) Whenever the office of Chairman or Vice-Chairman becomes vacant, the members of the Committee present at the first meeting of the Committee following the occurrence of the vacancy shall elect one of the members to fill the vacancy. Each Chairman or Vice-Chairman so elected shall continue in office until the next AGM.
(d) At every meeting of the Committee the Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, shall preside and if at such meeting the Chairman or Vice-Chairman shall not be present, then the members present shall elect one of their number to be Chairman of such meeting.
(e) All questions which shall be proposed or discussed at any meeting of the Committee shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present, and no member shall have more than one vote except the Chairman of the meeting who, in case of equality of votes, shall have a second or casting vote.
(f) The quorum for any meeting of the Committee is five of which at least 2 must be Elected Members.
(g) The Committee may from time to time appoint Members Advisory Panels. The Members Advisory Panel Chairman may appoint any number of the Members of the Club not being members of the Committee to act with and form part of any such Members Advisory Panel.
(h Any such members Advisory Panel will be chaired by the Member of the Committee with the relevant remit.
(I) Any Members Advisory Panel may meet and adjourn as they shall think appropriate.
(j) The Chairman of the Committee may attend any meeting of any Members Advisory Panel.
(k) The Committee shall cause minutes to be made:
(i) Of all appointments of officers made by the Committee
(ii) Of those attending each meeting of the Committee
(iii) Of all orders made by the Committee: and a record made of the names of those voting FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAINING.
(iv) Of all discussions and decisions at meetings of the Committee.
(l) Any such minutes if signed by any person purporting to be Chairman of any meeting of the Committee shall be accepted as clear evidence of any decisions taken
(m) Notice shall be given of every meeting of the Committee and Members Advisory Panel to respective members of the same. A notice may be served by hand or email delivery or by sending it through the post to such Member at his registered postal or email address.
- Any Officer or Member of the Committee or of any members Advisory Panel may, at any time, resign his office by giving notice to the Secretary.
Minutes of meetings of the Committee, (draft version) will be published on the website of the Golf Club as soon as practical. A hard copy to be placed in the foyer folder.
- The Committee shall have control and management of the business of the Club and in all cases not provided for in these rules it shall be lawful for the Committee to act in such a manner as it considers to be in the best interest of the Golf Club.
- The Committee shall have power to:
- a) Determine the permitted hours for the supply of intoxicating liquors within the limits of the club license.
- b) Determine the opening and closing hours of the Clubhouse and premises.
- The property of the Club shall be vested in Four Trustees who shall be appointed by the Committee and the property of the Club shall be vested in them to be dealt with as the Committee may from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the Minute book shall be conclusive evidence). The Trustees shall be indemnified against the risk and expense arising out of their appointment, out of the Club property and funds. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removal from office by the Club in General Meeting. Whereby reason of such death, resignation or removal from office it is necessary that a new Trustee be appointed the Committee shall nominate the person or persons to be appointed as the new Trustee or Trustees.
- Candidates for election must be proposed and seconded by two Full members of the Club of at least two years standing, to both of whom the Candidate shall be personally known, unless the Committee consider it appropriate to consider an alternative application. The applicants name and category of membership, will be published on the notice boards, entered in the candidates’ book, together with the names of Proposer and Seconder, the details recorded and kept securely in compliance with data protection (GDPR) in the office (members are able to view the candidates book, however the book remains securely within the office).
Applications from properly nominated candidates will be considered by the Committee in the order in which their names appear in the Candidates book.
No Candidate may be excluded from membership except by a majority vote of the Committee.
In no case will the Committee enter into correspondence with a rejected candidate as to the reason for its decision.
- Nomination for membership of the Club must be in the hands of the Secretary at least two full days before any applicant can be allowed any of the privileges of membership according to the current Licensing Act.
- The Committee may in the manner prescribed by Rule 18 elect all classes of Members as referred to in Rule 3, who shall be entitled to such privileges and at such entrance fees and at such subscriptions or other payments respectively or without any payment as the Committee may from time to time determine.
- Members elected after 31 March in any year will only be required to pay such reduced subscription as the Committee may decide.
- Former members applying to re-join the Club must submit a properly completed nomination form for decision by the Committee.
- Visiting golfers may be admitted to the Club as Temporary Members on payment of the appropriate Green Fee.
No Temporary Member shall be allowed to play in any Club competition other than an Open competition.
- A person residing temporarily in the district of the Club may be elected a member by the Committee on such terms as to payment of entrance fee and subscription as the Committee may decide.
- Any Member (other than a Junior Member) may introduce as his/her guest any person provided that the Member enters the name of the guest in the book kept for such purpose and remains with the guest so long as he/she is on Club premises.
No member may introduce the same person as a guest more than twelve times in one calendar year.
No guest shall be introduced who has been rejected as a member or whose membership has been withdrawn.
- Subject to any restrictions which may be imposed by the Committee, the following persons shall be entitled to admission to the Club premises and to purchase intoxicating liquors for consumption on the premises:
- Members’ Guests and the spouse of any member (other than a junior member or Social member) of the Club.
- Members of other Golf Clubs or Golf Societies, members of organized golfing parties and individual golfers on the payment of the appropriate green fee and for the day or period for which the fee is paid.
- Participants in inter-club matches, Club and Open competitions and similar golfing activities approved by the Committee on the day on which such matches, competitions and activities are held.
- Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to purchase or be supplied with intoxicating liquors.
27. Every member of the Club (other than Life and Honorary Members) shall pay to the Club an Annual Subscription of such amounts as may be fixed by the committee with authorisation that said Full subscription shall not increase beyond 5.5%, otherwise any increase above this amount must be approved at an AGM or EGM Juniors up to 12 Free of Charge 12-14 £25.00 for year (free, family, relative paying full membership) 14-16 £50.00
- All subscriptions shall be payable in advance on 1st October in each year.
- The Committee shall have the authority to cancel or discount any subscription or any other monies payable by any member.
- The Committee by promulgating byelaws authorises the payment of any Annual Subscription or the first subscription of any member by installments as the Committee considers being equitable.
If any member is paying by agreed installments, the first payment will be payable monthly as agreed by the finance company, thereafter, monthly.
If any member neglects to pay by the agreed dates(s) they shall cease to be members of the Filey Golf Club and shall be re-admitted only if, and upon such terms, as the Committee think fit.
- Any member intending to withdraw from the Club must signify his/her intention in writing to the Secretary.
- In case the “Code of Conduct” being breached by any Member either in or out of the Club in the opinion of the Committee be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee may discipline or expel such Member providing the disciplinary procedures laid down by the English Golf Union (EGU) in their document entitled “Instructions for the Procedure and Conduct of Disciplinary Committees in Relation to the Conduct of Playing Members” any person or persons will have the right to appeal such sanction as per the same EGU procedure.
- Any person ceasing to be a member shall remain liable for any unpaid monies owed to the Golf Club. The Committee shall have the power to sue him / her for the same in the name of the Golf Club.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on the third Wednesday of November in each year to
- receive the report of the Committee,
- receive the Balance sheet and the accounts for the year ended 30 September immediately prior thereto and the report of the Accountant thereon
- Confirm the appointment of the Club Captain
- elect a Vice-Captain
- in appropriate years to elect a President
- elect members of the Committee
- to answer questions from the Members of which notice has been provided at least seven days prior to the meeting.
- receive a recommendation of the level of member’s financial obligations for the following year
- To conduct the ordinary business of the Club.
The report of the Committee, Balance sheet, Accounts, budget for the forthcoming year together with the Rolling Three Year Forward Plan for the operation or development of the Golf Club shall be displayed in the Clubhouse at least seven days prior to the AGM and a copy shall be supplied to any full member on request.
- The Secretary, whenever instructed by the Committee, or upon a requisition made in writing by at least thirty Full members of the Club, shall convene a Special General Meeting of the Club. Any requisition properly made shall express the object of the proposed meeting. Within twenty-one days of receipt of such a requisition the Secretary will convene a Special General meeting. Should the Secretary fail to convene such a meeting the Full members signing the requisition may themselves convene a Special General Meeting.
- Every General Meeting shall be held in the Clubhouse commencing at 7.00pm unless special circumstances dictate an alternate venue or time is necessary.
- At least seven days’ notice of every General Meeting, specifying the place, the day and the hour of the Meeting together with the business to be transacted, shall be provided to the members by Notices in the Clubhouse and by email. The non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings at any General Meeting. The Notice in the Clubhouse shall remain in position until the meeting has been held.
- Thirty Full members shall form a Quorum at any General Meeting.
If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum of Full members is not present it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time and place.
At the reconvened General Meeting, if the required number of Full members is still not present, the Full members in attendance will be considered to be sufficient to allow the business to be transacted
If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for the meeting a quorum of Full members is not present in the case of a General meeting convened on the requisition of Full members, the requisition shall be considered to have been fulfilled.
- The Chairman of the Committee shall preside as chairman at every General Meeting of the Club, or in his absence the Vice-chairman or in the event of both being absent then the Full members present shall elect a Full member present thereat to be Chairman of such meeting.
- The Chairman may, with the consent of any General Meeting, adjourn that General Meeting. Only the unfinished business from the adjourned meeting will be transacted at the reconvened meeting.
- At any General Meeting a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried, and an entry to that effect in the Minutes, shall be sufficient evidence. If any Full member challenges the Chairman’s decision the votes for and against the resolution will be declared.
- a) Only Full members of the Club shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings. Employees who are also full members of the club may not vote at any AGM or SGM.
- b) Only Full Members attending General Meetings are eligible to vote. Proxy voting is not permitted. No Full member shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting unless all monies due from him/her to the Club shall have been paid 48 hours prior to the time of holding the Meeting. The Chairman shall, in case of equality of votes, be entitled to a second or casting vote.
- The Committee shall cause true accounts to be kept of the monies received and expended by the Club, and the matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure takes place and of the assets, credits and liabilities of the Club.
- The accounts shall be closed on 30 September in each year and a balance sheet shall be made out containing a summary of the property and liabilities of the Club on the day. An account of income and expenditure shall also be prepared for the previous twelve months.
- At least seven days before each AGM the accounts for the year ending 30 September preceding such meeting with all vouchers and receipts and also the balance sheet and income and expenditure account shall be examined by the Accountant who shall report thereon to such Meeting.
- All subscriptions, entrance fees and other monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer, or any other person duly authorized by the Committee, whose receipt in writing shall be sufficient discharge for the same.
- A notice may be served by the Club on any Member either personally, by hand or email delivery or by sending it through the post to such Member at his registered address.
Any notice so delivered or sent shall be deemed to have been served at the time when the letter containing the same was delivered or would be delivered in the ordinary course of the Post.
- No Club Rule shall be repealed or altered, and no Club Rule made except save by a majority of the Full Members a General Meeting
- The Committee shall have power to make, revoke and alter byelaws as they deem necessary for the regulation of play, management of Greens and Club premises and any other matters. All such decisions to be notified to members by the placing of a notice on the Notice Board, via telephone answer message along with notifying if possible, via BRS and to the registered email address of members.
- All disputes and difficulties (excepting where otherwise provided by the Rules) shall be decided by the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
- On the dissolution or other winding up of the Golf Club, no Member shall have any right to any financial surplus or assets of the Club. Any such assets shall be applied for approved sporting or charitable purposes and comply with any relevant legislation.
Confirmation that these are the Rules of Filey Golf Club and have been updated as per resolution proposed and seconded at the Special General Meeting conducted on the 24th July 2023.
Signed on behalf of the Membership
Michael D Atkinson
Filey Golf Club
July 2023